World's No #1 Health Community

Refund and Cancellation Policy

Refund Processing Time:
We understand that sometimes circumstances change, and you may need to request a refund before your new billing cycle (30 days). Upon receiving a valid refund request, we strive to process a full refund as quickly as possible. Refunds will be processed immediately after the request is approved.

Credit Card Refund Timeline:
Once the refund has been processed, please allow for the standard processing time of your financial institution to reflect the credit back to your card. This typically takes an additional 3-5 business days, but actual timelines may vary depending on your card provider.

Cancellation Policy:
We value our customers and want to provide a hassle-free experience. Therefore, you can cancel your subscription at any time without incurring any fees. and you will not be billed in your next cycle.

How to Request a Refund or Cancel:

To either cancel or request a refund please login, head to the space Cancelation and Refunds, and fill in the form. your request will be treated and our CS team will get back to you.

For any questions or to submit a cancellation request, clients should contact our customer support at:

Email: [email protected]
Call Center: +1 877-252-5089 or +1 877-249-1094
Our customer support team will assist you promptly. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our refund and cancellation policy, feel free to reach out to our customer support team.